Substance Abuse Evaluation
Professional CAADC staff to assist with individual, family, occupational, and legal assessments.
Substance use disorders cause problems for countless individuals, families and society as a whole. Alcohol and drug abuse often underlie difficulties presented as emotional, medical, family, school, or legal problems. These problems are not likely to be resolved until the underlying substance abuse problem is dealt with. Yet many affected individuals are unable or unwilling to acknowledge their misuse of psychoactive substances, and many human service providers and services lack the resources to conduct comprehensive diagnostic assessment for substance use disorders.
HRA Psychological Services has two Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CAADC) on staff to provide substance abuse assessments in order to determine the level of treatment most appropriate for the individual. These evaluations are congruent with criminal court (i.e. drunk driving assessments / Sobriety and Drug Court mandates) and family court (divorce / custody determination) legal requirements.